Let the adventure begin

Ada Town

Ada Town is the centre of ubbu, where our heroes live and go to school. This is the main hub in our world.

Why the name?

Ada Lovelace is considered the first computer programmer. She realised that the computer could follow a series of simple instructions, a program, to perform a complex calculation.


Turing Fields

Turing Fields is home to ubbu's centre for human, social and natural sciences research. The most technically advanced, futuristic part of ubbu's world, where the best technological and bio-tech research takes place.

Why the name?

Alan Turing was a founding father of A.I. and a leading early exponent of the hypothesis that the human brain is in large part a digital computing machine.


Hopper City

Set in the tropical region, Hopper City is a developing community that is, unfortunately, hit by natural disasters but is also a thriving urban metropolis full of art and innovation.

Why the name?

Grace Hopper is best known for her trailblazing contributions to computer programming, software development and the design and implementation of programming languages.


Boole Islands

A group of small protected islands that are home to countless species of animals, plants and ecosystems. Also home to the Biology Centre for Research

Why the name?

George Boole is the English mathematician who helped establish modern symbolic logic and whose algebra of logic, now called Boolean algebra, is the basis of the design of digital computer circuits.


Kwari Desert

The desert section of ubbu. Not a lot of people live here due to a less hospitable climate, increasingly threatened by climate change. However, Kwari is home to beautiful landscapes and interesting geometric architecture.

Why the name?

al-Khwarizmi was a Persian polymath who produced vastly influential works in mathematics, astronomy and geography. The word 'algorithm' is said to derive from his name.


Berner Tundra

Up in the mountains is the Berner tundra. There are snow, ice and cold temperatures here all year round, but it is also a place to try different activities and discover wildlife that only thrives in this environment.

Why the name?

Tim Berners-Lee is an English computer scientist best known as the inventor of the World Wide Web.
