Welcome to our coding glossary for kids! Here, you'll find simple and easy-to-understand definitions of common coding terms and concepts. Whether you're just starting out or have some experience with coding, this glossary is a great resource for learning and expanding your knowledge. From algorithms to variables, we've got you covered. Let's get started!
Set of steps or specific rules that are executed to solve a given problem. Computer programs are mainly composed by algorithms. It is like a recipe for a computer to follow to solve a problem.
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Analog technology is all technologies that process certain information using physical processes. It is like drawing with a pencil, where things flow smoothly, while digital is like building with blocks, where things are put together in small steps.
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Information passed into a function when it is called.
Telling a computer program what to do by giving it some information, like asking a friend to bring you a toy.
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The background, or scenario, is the background image of the project. In the project creation tool, the background is used to customize the created narratives. Example: The picture behind the story in a computer game.
Sequence of instructions executed multiple times in a row or until a condition is satisfied.
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Computer language, represented by 0s and 1s. All images, words, videos and even sounds are stored on computers through these two numbers..
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Failure in a computer program that will cause errors in its execution. Some of these errors are occasional and difficult to identify, others may prevent the program to work.
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Electronic machine with the capacity to store and process information according to a predefined set of instructions which we call program or software. The computers receive information (input), store this information in its memory, processes it according to the instructions in a program and produce the results (output).
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The act of identifying and correcting bugs, or errors, in a computer program.
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Expressions present in programming languages that can lead the algorithm in different directions, enabling the code to make decisions. In an algorithm, conditions are usually represented by the words "If", "Then", "Else".
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Digital technologies are all methods that can process information into binary code and/or show it in a perceivable way to a user.
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Central processing unit that carries out the programmed instructions.
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Device that displays information to the user.
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Process of information coding, making it difficult to read or impossible for most users and computers.
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Events that trigger a particular action. Most events are actions that are not triggered by a direct command of the program, but that come from user interaction through input devices or messages from other programs.
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Instruction set which is given a name and can be used whenever you want in the code. Functions help us make our code simple and organized.
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Satellite positioning mechanism that provides its position to the mobile receiver unit, as well as the time, in any weather, at any time and anywhere on Earth. A GPS navigator can find the way to a certain place and know the speed and direction of its movement.
Physical components and equipment used in information processing that make up the computer.
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Data provided to a computer that will process them to produce output information (output). This data may be provided using input devices, such as a keyboard, a computer mouse, a microphone, a camera or physical sensors
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Parallel execution of multiple programs (or components of the same program) by a computer.
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The UI is the space where the interactions between the user and the machine occur. The UI may be graphic (GUI) or of another type, such as text, virtual reality, among others.
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Global system of computer networks, interconnected using standardized communication protocols. This system provides a wealth of information and and ease of communication in an open and public manner.
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Language used by programmers to write a program that can be executed by a computer.
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Act of inputting data from an account (username / email and password) in the appropriate place to access a site, platform, application, etc
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Place where information is stored by the computer.
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Data that identifies a user, used to login and give access to a local saved personal account.
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Used in programming languages to perform mathematical and / or logical operations.
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Information produced by a computer. It is received by the user via an output device, such as a display or speaker.
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Smallest unit of a digital image. A set of pixels forms an image, and the more pixels form an image, the higher its resolution.
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Sequence of instructions written in a language that the computer can understand and that describes how information should be processed
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Creation of a set of instructions for a computer to interpret and execute.
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Creation of a set of instructions for a computer to interpret and execute.
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Creation of a set of instructions for a computer to interpret and execute.
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Sequential execution of the same action or event, in an algorithm or program, a set number of times.
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Electromechanical machine capable of performing tasks without the help of a human being. It consists of an electric part (your computer) and various mechanical parts that perform some sort of action or movement.
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A device that responds to an impulse, for example, a collision that triggers an action.
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Set of instructions to be executed sequentially (one after another).
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A skin is a different look given to a sprite, or object. Each sprite can have different skins. Skins are programmed to change the appearance of the sprite.
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A sprite is an object (character, robot, element of nature, etc.) in a project that can be programmed.
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Device that has series of keys and is used to input data into a computer.
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Expression used with only two possible outcomes: true or false.
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Used to store, retrieve or manipulate information. For example, in a game, a variable can store information such as score, remaining time or name of a player.
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The World Wide Web is a system of interconnected documents, integral part of the Internet. The present documents on the World Wide Web do not only contain text but any type of digital content, as well as referencing other documents via hyperlinks (links)
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