Create your own Flappy Game variation and get a chance to win a 100€ educational voucher. 50 to the creator of the project, 50 to the teacher. You can use your voucher in Amazon. The Flappy Game with more views wins! 🌟🌟🌟
Create your own flappy game, change speed, sounds and game mechanic. Get your friends to try your game!
Clean the ocean and raise awareness to some of the most challenging issues such as SDG14: Life Below Water.
Get creative during the Halloween or Christmas Season. Code your creations and share them with friends and family!
- Go to the ubbu platform.
- Click on the "Create New Project" option.
- Choose the "Flight Game" category.
- Give your game a special name.
- Click the "Save" button.
Now, it's time to give personality to your main character!
- In the "Robot" sprite, click the pencil button to enter the editing zone.
- Choose the main character (or sprite) for your game.
- Give it a name in the "Sprite Name" field.
- Click confirm.
Follow the previous steps to customize the obstacles.
- In the "Obstacle" sprite, click the pencil button to enter the editing zone.
- Choose the sprite you want to appear in the game as the enemy to avoid.
- Give it a name in the "Sprite Name" field.
- Click confirm.
The scenery, or background, is where the adventure takes place. Follow these steps to change it:
- In the background tab, click the pencil to edit.
- Choose a background that suits the game you want.
- Click the "x" to delete the old background.
- Click "Confirm."
Now, you can make the game easier or harder to win by adjusting the speed:
- In the main sprite tab, look for the word "vx" (look in the blocks for "if level = 1, then change xv to 2").
- If you want the game to be faster and more challenging, increase this number (e.g., from 2 to 4).
- Remember to customize the speed for the remaining levels!
- In the main sprite tab or the "platform" sprite tab, look for the "print" blocks (they are blue!).
- Modify the messages to better fit your game.
- You can add more messages by dragging a new "print" block from the "Style" tab. Read the code to understand where to place it.
Do you want to customize the sounds in your game as well?
- Try changing existing ones or adding new ones:In the main sprite, click the pencil button to enter the editing zone.
- Select "Sounds."
- Choose the sound you want the game to make when the main sprite collides with obstacles.
- Click "Confirm."
- Look for the "play sound" block and select the sound you chose.
- Publish your game and share it with anyone you want: Click "Publish" and then "Publish Project."
- Copy the link to share it or choose another sharing option.
You can add more enemies, collectible points, create more levels, add more sounds, or draw your own sprites.
Your imagination has no limits!
1. All projects with "Flight Game" category are eligible to participate
2. The projects need to be created between 7 and 31 of October
3. Only published projects are acceptable
4. The project with more views on 31 of October at 1pm wins!
5. The creator will win a 50€ voucher to use (Fnac in Portugal or Amazon internationally)
6. The teacher will win a 50€ voucher to use (Fnac in Portugal or Amazon internationally)